Monday, August 29, 2005

Train of Thought: Hewlett

Over the last week or so I have developed a sudden and intense fascination of David Hewlett. I saw Cube years ago, back before I knew who he was and forgot all of it, so when I found out he was in it I had to see it again. I think I liked it better this time. It's so much more fun after having seen Stargate Atlantis. And speaking of Atlantis, I am very pleased that it hasn't taken the path of a copycat spinoff the way most of the Star Trek shows seemed to do. The third episode of Next Generation was the same as one of the original series, for crying out loud. Fortunately that's what Atlantis seems not to be doing. The characters are different, but just as diverse and lovable.

Unfortunately David Hewlett movies are tough to come across. The only other one I've come across in video stores is Boa Vs. Python and I'm kind of afraid to rent it. It's isn't a movie I'd want to spend three dollars on, even if he is in it. Then there are a handful of others that I've heard about but am unable to find, mostly the Canadian productions. It doesn't help that Atlantis won't be on next week, but I could always watch the last one again. It was very amusing to see McKay and Beckett "on their own," as it were. Out in the wild chasing a mutated wraith (Kaylee from Firefly!) without an escort. They're big boys now!


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